Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Is the economy getting better?

Is the economy getting better?
A question I am asked whenever I tell people what I do for a living.  Is the economy getting better?  I spent last winter in a master’s level Economic Development class.  The answer is simple and I did not have to spend a couple grand to learn this one

I have seen some incredible things happening in the region.  Some of the businesses that are coming out of the incubators are outstanding.  The potential is unlimited.  When I hear about companies hiring 200 engineers and 500 people in manufacturing, I am ecstatic.  Now the other side, Oakland County lost 68,000 jobs is the first quarter of 2009.

I started my position in the summer of 2008 after 13 months of unemployment.  In fall of 2008, the market crashed and value of homes plummeted but I was working again.  In my family’s world the economy was getting better. I am thankful everyday for a regained stability in my life, however, the economy is not getting better if you are currently unemployed or extremely underemployed.

We all need to stay strong and support those who have not yet recovered.

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